Introduction to Research Metrics | Researcher@Library Webinar (15/05/2024)
Webinar presented by Samantha Helfrich (Senior Liaison Librarian, Science, Engineering and IT) and Jason Ordering (Liaison Librarian, Law) with Lindy Cochrane (Liaison Librarian, Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences) providing chat support.
In this session, presenters from Student and Scholarly Services will introduce you to the elements of research metrics. It begins with the University of Melbourne's current position on appropriate use of research metrics. The webinar then covers the requirements of major funders and gives an overview of prominent tools. This Researcher@Library session is for all staff and students but will be most beneficial for Librarians, Professional Staff, and Graduate Researchers.
To discuss how you can pursue open access in your research, please email your discipline's Liaison Librarians, or arrange a time to consult a librarian. Alternatively, you can contact the library, for any question.